Yep! I rant about this enough that distant friends on Facebook, millennial and not, post things on my wall about how Boomers need to stop ragging on millennials.
Yep! I rant about this enough that distant friends on Facebook, millennial and not, post things on my wall about how Boomers need to stop ragging on millennials.
The self-hating millenials are the worst. “Oh looks at me, i’m so cool acting like I get how awful we are”. No, you’re just a sad old oblivious person before your time.
Jezzies, I’m sorry to bring down SNS with negativity, but I have to rant about something that has been bothering me for quite some time now.
That is not what I thought I was going to read about Halsey. I thought it would be about how people are super mad that she has defended Quavo’s homophobia twice now. She was getting dragged all over Twitter and Tumblr yesterday for that. The general response to the Iggy thing seemed to be more along the lines of
My mother is similar. She went from being a hippy dippy liberal when I was a kid and she was working as a public school librarian, to a Fox News zombie Trump voter complaining about all the horrible taxes she has to pay. Of course when she was working she bitched about all the geriatrics in town who complained about…
Well, a couple of weeks ago, the administration claimed that 50,000 new (new!) jobs were created in the coal mining industry since January 20!!! No proof was offered but I’m sure they’re telling the truth. Of course, the “failing, lying media” pointed out, citing “facts” that employment in coal is around 51,000 total…
my dad, your stereotypical 60-something WASP MAGA asshole builds planes for boeing. i thought yanno, maybe, just MAYBE, since this is so personal, he’ll FINALLY worship trump a little less
Ok, fine. Cheetos and diet Dr Pepper, then. No? RC Cola and moon pies.
You forgot BENGAZI!!1!
For the last fucking time, stop insulting the Galapagos tortoises by comparing them to Mitch McConnell!
As they lie on sheets covered with dorito dust and Mt Dew stains
Honestly, one of the most galling things is that they say the exact same things about us. They think our outrage is just like their outrage - made-up bullshit to yell at the other team. Like it’s all fucking football or something. We’re trying to solve the healthcare crisis, and they’re tearing off their shirts and…
...and then he starts or ends the tweet with “Believe Me”, just to make sure he lets us know he’s full of shit.
Fake news! Obamaphones! Sharia law! Build a wall! Liberal tears!
God and it is just the worst part isn’t it? The smug assholery as they burn down the country and blame us.
Yeah, one of my friends married a Hanson megafan. She’s seen them live about a dozen times, unironically. I didn’t even know such people existed.
I have a friend who LIVES for Hanson. I mean, girl has spend tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars flying around the country to go to meet & greets, special events, and all kinds of shit. It boggles my mind how someone can love a band that was a 1 hit wonder that much.
Could have been worse, it could have been Walmart.