Good news, everyone!

@Archaotic: Hm. Interesting, I've read that M$ owned it before.

@Hexagon_777: It has both physical media and the Playstation network for games. It will have a lot of support on both ends of the spectrum.

@Archaotic: How can you see that happening? Microsoft owns the Gears licence, not Epic. It's like how they own the Halo licence even though Bungie developed them.

@rathorial: I don't even play JRPGs so I have no idea.. I can't take someone who looks like Goku but isn't Goku seriously.

This is the cancelled Gamecube game. It's baaaaaack!

@Jackstick: Caucasian looking. She's much more so than most Asian women.

@Archaotic: It's funny because all they make is Lord of the Rings and a waifu simulator.. I miss their better games.

Well maybe you should stop getting Gizmodo to translate what he says?

God dammit

@Musouka [Region 4]: I will be very outright with my child. I will tell him that the reason I don't buy him the newest stuff straight away is so that he doesn't turn into a self-absorbed little asshole and learns how to appreciate things for being fun, instead of how they look.

@TimeNeverRests (PS1): But you can always talk to them about Battletoads.. TURN THEM INTO MEN!

@woshiernog: Eureka! I've discovered the secret to not only making you read this in my voice, but the very way of death itself!

@rathorial: She's a Caucasian looking milf in a Square Enix game, and she still manages to be less bitchy than any of their androgynous male protagonists, regardless of what she's wearing or how much of it she is.

@WeaponXIV: You get a blonde chick on the rag.