
@kaffenated: I agree. $20 to use data you already pay for is plain dumb. I would even loose my Jailbreak (well, more like pass on future JB's).

I just threw up a little in my mouth...


Why wouldn't this work. Most of us have wifi coverage @home and @work. 4 hours divided up everywhere else should be fine. Check out MiFi from Virgin Mobile (Sprint) no contract pay as you go $10/100MB/10 days or $40 unlimited []

"You know, I don't always drink beer. But when I do it's Dos Equis." - Duane

@LVL32: have you tried it? It's not ready for primetime. Had high hopes but it froze on every platform we tried.

Why not just use a (JB) iphone with TVOut2, Resupported & a AV cable? Watch Movies, Music, Play Games, Netflix, FaceTime, Tango, FB etc on your TV?

Now playing

Worth a watch is Food Inc, it's on DVD and instant watch via Netflix. It was one of the best sources to help convince our kids never to want "fast food" ever again.

iPhone 4 + $2.99 Video out cable = FaceTime on TV

I just got a $206 speeding ticket 2 days ago for going a whopping 54 MPH on a major six lane.

instore fix (install an insulator inside as reported) hence the new Genius Bar services. Make an appointment, they crack it open, install it and send you on your merry way.