
It’s not you, it’s me. -Melo

Fun fact about this Bear: Her name is Nora, her mother rejected her when she was born at the Columbus Zoo (now lives at the Oregon Zoo) so the zoo had to step in and hand-rear her as a baby polar cub. This had only been done a handful of times, with very little success, so it’s a small miracle she’s alive and healthy

I agree with most of what you say, but you seem to never give answers. Always a lot of, “this sux and is wrong.” But never really any, “Here’s what we need to do...”

“How America’s Idiotic War On Slavery May Have Given Us President Grant” - Clay Travis

There is so much Boston cum in ESPN’s mouth that I’m surprised by this guy’s response.

Way to bury the real issue with this picture. That guy’s haircut behind Bill. That is a look...

Can’t wait to see the look on everyone’s faces when Trump somehow gets in.

16 more days...

I’m not crying, you’re crying

SMDH. I can’t wait for 2016 to die.

Have you ever considered introducing yourself over the phone as “Sargent, Jordan?”

See a doctor immediately. Your tastebuds have cancer.

ew what the fuck

Lidecki should have cleaned up with this award

They got him for almost nothing from Cincinnati last winter, when the disturbing details of the allegations of domestic abuse made him a dalit around baseball...

This is just the worst opinion

If that one thing is shootingdribblingpassingstealing you might be right.

Thought the lions were gonna start fucking.

Giri!! TENNIS!!! You’re the change I want to see in the world and I thank you! 

Not to go all HOT TAKE-Y on everyone, but seriously, fuck this sport. Watch the NBA, where the talent/athleticism is not only at an all time high, but the star players actually are able to play most of the games