
Those 8 months when Kate Upton was relevant seems like 10 years ago.

Stand by original assessment: this guy and his neighbors are still dickholeS.

As a black guy...It’s not. I like LeBron but this is hypersensitivity at its finest. Posse is nowhere near “thug”, “rioters”, “n*****”, or any number of other words.

It’s not.

As a white guy, I legitimately didn’t know posse was considered a loaded term. Is this word something that is offensive to minorities? I’m genuinely curious because I had no idea.

You could’ve scrolled down half a second to watch Phillip Rivers babble for five minutes.

Can you guys cool it for a couple days on all of the political articles?

We’ve casted our vote

If you had to say whether Silver was currently predicting a Trump victory or a Clinton victory, which would you say? We’re less than a week out. If you can’t definitively say what his prediction is right here right now, I’m not sure what use his model is for anyone.

No one hates the Cubs more than I do, but christ, just let them have their fun for another day before going on seemingly pointless rants about how they may or may not end up like Boston fans. As Barry said, they get until their parade and then they can go fuck themselves (paraphrasing).

It is

Narukawa’s map seems to be centered on Japan.

Hey, I know you have a zit on your face, but here… Instead of using that Proactive shit, try this gun instead.

The issues he raises are valid, health care, corruption, trade deficits etc.

Crazy is also fun, though

what a lot of people don’t know is that james carville is actually just the “fruiting body” of a much larger underground organism

Those details reveal him to be a man who at times blames everyone but himself... while at other times reflecting on how his own childhood made him the man he is. He is at times in denial, at times full of rage, and at times struggling with how to stop doing what he knows is wrong.

You wanted all three to be guilty of assault in order to remain a fan?

I stand corrected. I did not realize this detail. But note that the majority of the shares and board seats are not publicly traded and remain with a single family. It is still a family-owned company that has put a minority equity stake up as stock to raise outside capital. It’s not like there is a full board elected