
You can be fined for saying something bad about the union? Well you can literally be terminated from your job for anything by your employer. Any possible thing you could say bad about a union you can say much worse about an employer.

Why don’t you just say that we should stop sending our tax money to firefighters are

Oh wow. Forgetting one’s wallet is now a criminal activity.

We all know that Bolen’s never forgotten his wallet or jaywalked in his life.

Fucker had a poster of Timothy McVeigh.

15 years for shooting and almost murdering 5 people?
What a fucking joke.



What are you suppose to call a legit piece of shit?


Simply by existing, we’re all humiliating ourselves all the time.

We need more cameras.
Fuck this garbage.


Tensing can go get fucked.

Sako is a beast for making that comeback.

“Happy Ramadan, and get out of my country!”

You are right, that sentence designates Muslims as the “other” to Americans, as if they are mutually exclusive.

RIP Weiner.
What a moron.


Oh, his DECK.
I thought it was some other kind of subject matter.

In anycase, ALL decks are beautiful.

“Punk secured the win at 4-2"

This show has been going on for 6 years? I forgot it even existed.
Trash show and Tim Allen is a trash person who can go get fucked!