Gnome DeGuerre

Also, a majority of the music on pono store is 16bit copies of the cd, and it's all only as good as your headphones anyway.

"If elected, Mr. Garfield, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency."

Same thing ABC did for Chuck Cunningham in the 70s..



While this is fictional, and at worst will probably just give some redpill'd edgebros something to jerk eachother off over, I guess I just hate nazis more than you.

It more than makes sense, it's a good idea.. and that's why Marvel wanted nothing to do with it.

Hydra are de facto nazis, and nazis are real white supremacists that engaged in global terrorism in the real world.

*spawn, gets noob tubed, ragequit*

*Kenyan muslim that created ISIS, and is going to enact sharia law.. but is also inept and dumb.

I was skeptical of their terrible and immoral goals/machinations.. But if the guy who turned Sweet Home Alabama and Werewolves of London into the pure shit thinks its neat, maybe I was wrong.

It's not a news show, it's an opinion show, fuckface.

You can rephrase the same stupid thing all you want, it's still incorrect.

The puppeteers get tired after 7.

Yeah, he just happened to be there, all not knowing a fucking thing and saying dumb shit all the time.. A matter of happenstance!

At least it's taking up some of the air that would be otherwise filled with "It's 420 brah!"..

And some would have stayed sealed, but you had to have those driving cleats!

It is illegal.. but go bust a meth lab, assholes.

They were the testing ground for "it's a sheriff star!"

It was a "sheriff costume" IIRC