Gnome DeGuerre

Tubing in Lake Michigan?

Ha-ha-ha! Cookies on dowels.

Hey dude, he's raggin on your cord..

Or anyone for that matter, it's so clunky and terrible it should have been in Naked Gun 33⅓.

That's not what any of that means!

Remind me to never accept tootsie rolls from him.

My dog doesn't like baths, but she's good at taking them.. Probably because she is a dog and not an asshole that doesn't really care about me who also shits in a box I have to clean.. My story isn't as good.

That's why we need the practice!

I cannot argue with your logic, I only ask we start with him.. just to calibrate everything.

We, as a species, should fire him.. from a cannon.. into the sun.

They're pretty much a one race country be design though, sort of a chicken/egg thing I guess.

To be fair, I think Antarctica is probably the only place that doesn't have that problem.. excluding the time it was inhabited solely by nazis, of course.

Japan is also super racist/jingoist, and misogynistic..

I didn't know about them until Stereogum & A.V. Club told me, and still haven't heard anything they've done outside of SNL or whatever show they fucked up.. So thanks for reminding me shitty bands are a thing.

Hey! You're the guys that didn't like our capering! When you get to hell, tell 'em Itchy sent you.

If you want to do an odd and funny thing, but don't want to be laughed at for doing it, you're entitled as ffffuuuccckkk.

Baby did a bad, bad thing.

Stupid comments need the most attention?