Gnome DeGuerre

Oh, was that one with a pun thread that kind of petered out after a few good ones?

Right?! That coffee sounds amazing!

It's not a habit, it's a choice damnit! You could quit any time you feel like it!

He already had their money, he just kicked them out, then had Russian hookers piss all over the bed.

It is a good time to be alive, beer-wise at least.

It kind of sucks that SABMiller bought Leinenkugel, though I do find the claims of poorer quality since to be untrue in my experiences.

We don't have many of them left, now that America has been made great again.

That explains the orange sash and bowler, and all your talk of how great William of Orange was..

You don't have to pretend, he's of the Costco now..

"Liberal coastal eggheads trying to turn America's youth into a bunch of nerds! I mean, there is no such thing as free pizza people, no free pizza, failure of a president Obama made that up!"

Look, A.V. Club, we both did and said some things we regret, and I'm sorry. I hold you to a higher standard than other sites, and that tends to make things.. difficult.

They really liked owning people, man… It's crazy!

My very very stoned friends and I sat in stunned silence for 12 minutes.. It was an amazing time to be alive, and a baked teenager.

Fuck this broken useless commenting system, still.

Good, maybe advertisers not liking that will end it. All Ighty Ollar and such.

Other than a comment being more difficult to read margined into 1/4 of the page (it can be solved with a click, but a needless problem to begin with is still lame) I had to go to another site and check my disqus to reply to you because going from the email notification just kept popping up "comment-id="s in the page

Idiots are the loudest portion of any demographic.

I'd much rather see the comments and click to read the article.. Maybe that's why they hate me…?

That makes commenting terrible to do and read. Also it doesn't allow me to shift-t to reopen an article in a tab, because it just goes to the newest one.