Gnome DeGuerre

Believe it!

Stop trying to make Fusion happen.

He had been battling the NNF Curse for 10 years, it was bound to happen.

and the massive amount of heroin it takes to get you to do anything these days..

His fame (as the result of the media blitz surrounding a murder and his multiple decades in the industry), and a wide-ranging appreciation for nazism.. He is possibly more famous for his nazimism after all.

It's better than accidentally financially supporting white nationalism while the problem still going on.

If you had a room in your house that was on fire, would you blow out candles in some other rooms before dealing with it..?

Why must the two be separated?

She is worse than Nancy Grace.

and sex…

Counterpoint to you: just shut the fuck up.


One time, I saw a blimp..

K…. so explain away the people with PTSD aren't strong and I like people who win bull shit..

Yeah, if anyone was getting a fair chance at justice, it was a black teenage male in 1975's Chicago!

Attempted rape could have been.. That was his charge, wasn't it?

Voilà Davis would be a good drag name..

That's what you get for forgetting your mom's birthday!

Upvoted because one of those is almost true/I love Croatians

"No puppet, no puppet. You're the puppet!" - The fucking president of America