Gnome DeGuerre

That only matters if you give a fuck.

Woah, what an edgy cool show! Sounds hilarious!

Handbanana didn't have an anus, that's why The Enforcer/Spaghetti wasn't really that attracted to him.. It all checks out.

The '99 rap version sounds a lot like Mulatto Butts. I wonder how much influence it had on Dog Party and if this will get it's own art installment in 10 years..

There are a few counties on the eastern side that vote blue consistently, but they have cities and colleges/universities. My vote is useless, like anyone with sense located west of I-35.

But you're all forgetting she Benghazi'd Soros pay for play email abortions, because she's running a phony charity super predator pedophile ring out of Goldman Sachs!

That checks out. Give Rush a few more oxy.

I assume it's pretty easy to pick up some santorum, if you go to the right parties.

I see a lot of confederate flags for someone living in a Union state that desegregated schools in 1868 and sent more men (per capita) to fight in the war than any other state, north or south.. But racists are fucking idiots, so I get it.

4 to stay normal, 7 to get a buzz..? So about 24 beers, to not even be drunk…


Beck, Blink-182 and Yello… Wacky! Cutting edge!

Oh, oh oh!

No toupe, no toupe! You're the toupe!

♪♪ Some people call me the Jewish Cowboy, yeah. Some call me The Gangster of Lies. Most people call me Asshole, 'cause I speak only half truths at best. ♪♪

Is it usually him jerking off to retweets & replies about how fucking awesome and correct he is, or is today special? I couldn't make it past 4 hours ago.

Idiots are the loudest portion of any demographic.

There are a lot of brown and irish Catholics…