Gnome DeGuerre

That's a very thoughtful and nuanced viewpoint… GET HIM!

Some smart people have a career in porn, but not the vast majority..

It's the code word. No matter where you say it you know that you'll be heard.

You said the same thing about a "Timbits-maple Poutine Whopper" though, and that still hasn't happened!

Plenty of women think he is attractive and presumably that they could change him and/or she had it coming.. Women can be shitty people too!!

I was shocked by that story, "white boy" is the nicest thing I can think of to call most American Idol hasbeens.

I'm pretty sure it's just her Parent Trap accent mixed with valium..

Funnier if you also white out the "n't" too..

..and of course in Canada the whole things flip-flopped..

I want to see robots recharging and defragging!!

Yeah, but then he'd do the opposite of whatever they ask, because he's not a puppet you're the puppet.

Who would think he likes any people more than some money?

But then we're stuck with Southern Georgia, and that's just more Florida with less beach.

Better than rogering waters..

He was insane, and they're mostly pure pop albums.. I dig it.

It's so weird that they aren't related at all.

Wink Martindale is hiring, but only if he can only pay you in two and two..

Sounds like you could have married them both if you played your cards right..

"No sex tour of the Orient is complete without a few stops in Malaysia's men's rooms" - Larry "Wide Stance" Craig