Gnome DeGuerre

Lincoln was assassinated in a Brooks Brothers suit. He looked pretty damn good most of the time, all things considered.


Dan Quayle shaves at least 5 points off in any rating system.

Hahahahahahaha! Please don't breed.

They're the only Simpsons reference I don't abide.

No, no, being prickly is the same or worse than spousal and child abuse. Pick your battles.

Too soon for a crossover with The Apprentice.. Maybe FOX will bring back The Sarah Connor Chronicles in time!

Let him have this one..

I have always done so, and they've never told me not to.. I'm sad to hear this isn't the case for all. I guess I had just assumed they were boiling it all anyway, so why not?

That girl was clearly a Hard Headed Woman..

The whole bio-enclosure concept is fundamentally flawed, be it expressed via; dome, sphere, cube, or even a stately tetrahedron, buh-ddy!

The first one was okay though..

I don't know why he is even running! A time traveler has never showed up to kill him, so he obviously doesn't win..

I'd rather have pizza.

If that's the weirdest they've got, I'd have to agree with it not being weird..

*key clicks*
I'm in

I wonder if that crackhead needed to wake up his pet dog and/or deer, or if he just couldn't get an erection..

Any story set in Chicago without someone catching a stray bullet at some point counts as a heartwarming ending..