Gnome DeGuerre

He's nothing of an anything, never was, and never will be!! Oh wait, yeah, he is full of shit I guess…

"Wrong! The Prince of Spain is a kind of Mexican!" - Donald Trump

Tiny Plastic Fetus is my favorite Radiohead song!

I don't recommend listening to that Tracy Chapman song, its kind of depressing..


Trump has made it very clear you are to refer to him as a BILLIONAIRE. BILLIONS, NOT MILLIONS! As for Jay Z, he isn't trying to run the country, so I don't see why you'd care as much..

It's the thuggish ruggish vote!

I was so hoping he'd work that into one of the Smirnoff ads he and Alison Brie were doing last year..

No one of any worth whatsoever would/has publicly associate(d) themselves with the Trump/Pence camp.. So, partial credit!

I believe I had heard that her cousin, Mavis Beacon, called her and implored her to check out a new idea she was hearing at the time..

Much less bleak!

Tikka Masala was chicken!

That's one of my favorite thing about streaming UK channels on my smart tv!

Pierce Brosnan endorsed it, so it's got to be safe!

The Klan burned down the Catholic Church in my hometown, but the new one they put up was really nice, even had marble sent by the pope himself.. So jokes on them..?

That is a bummer, she's the best!

Didyaseethis?! Didyahear aboutthis?!?!

When you're covering up child abuse, hating someone for the color of their skin seems at worst petty?

Butt soup! Cloud City!