Gnome DeGuerre

I think Gene Simmons looks fine..

Seein' famous people is cool..

He surrounds himself with the best manslaughterers!

That ain't so far from wrong..

I've got spurs that jingle-jangle-jingle as I go ridin' merrily along.. So fucking annoying!

Ah, makes sense.. or as much sense as anything of this nature can, I guess.

il Douche

You should listen to it after only ingesting cocaine, milk, and red peppers for a few months.. Amazing.

Obamacare wasn't, the very compromised Romneycare we ended up with does though.

If that is the case, why did Shearer have to get licensing to publicly appear as Smalls?

That's a nice piece of business..

A 66 year old man not as trim as he was when he was a TV star 30 years ago? Bosh! Flimshaw!

No, they run Disqus.. Poor bastards..

"I was the argon/nitrogen mixture in the bulb that keeps the filament from burning out instantly.. The bulb? Well, the bulb was showbusiness.." - Robert Evans

And that little boy, who nobody liked, grew up to be… Donald Trump.

Yeah, maybe he just learned to talk as a parlor trick, like Fry.

That Satan is a quitter, I don't like quitters. SAD!

I was master survivalist (or whatever getting 3 of everything again was) away from 100% offline.. But that what I get for just borrowing it.

I'm beginning to think The School of Hard Knocks isn't even accredited, given that it's the alma mater of almost every Trump supporter on Facebook..

"My friends, no matter how rough the road may be, we can and we will, never, never surrender to what is right." - Dan Quayle to the Christian Coalition