Gnome DeGuerre

You know what they say, "Fives have lives, Fours have chores, Threes have fleas, Twos have blues and Ones don't get a rhyme because they're garbage."

18-35 IQs, and Grandmothers that need a gift under $20.

No, they believe both to be fact so they don't even have to think about it. I almost envy them sometimes…

Ladies and gentlemen, I must apologize. This man does not speak for the Council of Alphas, we hold you subomeguloids in the highest regard.

Yeah, Bill Clinton might have said it at some point, why doesn't the MSM talk about that?!

Dan Quayle is a Rhodes Scholar compared to him, and that fuckshit couldn't spell potato.

This particular brand shittiness rears it's ugly head in both genders, but that doesn't make it any less shitty..

Did you actually read them? Why don't you tell us every stunningly incriminating detail?

Jeez, whatta man!

He is still my favorite member of The Slipnutz.

Taqu'il wouldn't give them the rights.

I believe it's actually Witherspoop

I thought it was a misspelled reference to Salt-N-Peppa's 1993 hit single Shoop, was also more interested..

It's my job to be repetitive. My job. My job. Repetitiveness is my job!

Fun and Prophet!

Uhhh… no.

For $140 you could get Ted Danson's Kwanzaa sweater..

Actually yes, you can get pager service all over still. I assume it's mostly for doctors, nurses, and 1980s coke dealers transported to the future.

I just downloaded it again, my memory can be a bit spotty on podcasts (oddly enough, I'm usually a little high, and doing something, else while I listen..) but I will let your word stand as record on the matter. Also, comedy is a bit subjective and the character she was playing is supposed to be a terrible person. By

This guy gets it. 17-J! Thank you, it was driving me nuts trying to remember where I had heard what.