Gnome DeGuerre

Toni "Tone-Tone" Junior-Shabadoo

I saw Wyoming Weed Ranch open up for Shooter Jennings once..

I have to disagree with Mr. Ford on this one, that sounds like one of the worst fucking hydraulic doors ever.

One of my dad's friends did that to himself.. I don't think people understand they'll most likely live long enough after to regret doing it.

This is criminally under upvoted.

My ego thanks you immensely, and I as well.

That's why I love old Late Night with Conan O'Brien, they're like using a pager in 2016. No is sure why, or even how it's happening, but it makes me laugh constantly.

The woman who was playing the character he was offended by made a quickly taken down blogpost about it. I think splitsider may have picked it up? I should have said that it's not substantiated and I don't remember the scant details that were discussed, but I do believe it.

Woah, that's not true! She's not a person, per se.. She's more of an anthropomorphized dumpstercunt or, at best, a bulldog's colostomy bag personified.

I guess he did say "Aww, shucks!" a lot. Good point.

*Clive Fannyjammer

At this point, if you're really not sure on who to vote for your either dead or in a vegetative state.

Trump told me I had til November 28th!??!?!!?!?!?!!

She had to go to the hospital because she blue herself, eh…

I, too, am ready for death now.. Plus I have this lump on my chest that I have to go get looked at, so this couldn't have come at better time.

That's a good comment.

Hey Nong Man!

Yeah, he was bad on the show.. I don't think he made me laugh once, and he threatened to walk off if they continued with a guest segment he didn't like.. Weirdo Al on the other hand has been a complete delight.

A lot of people think the box is the size of a box that a mini-fridge comes in, but that's wrong. IT'S THE SIZE OF THE FRIDGE ITSELF!!