Gnome DeGuerre

I assume she's going by Casey Tony now..

T.J. Miller is better at it..

To quote myself, "When you get a mogwai wet, it makes a gremlin. When you get a gremlin wet, it makes Nancy Grace, and Nancy Grace only gets wet when exploiting the death of a child for her own gain."

It's not as if the party's sole tenet is individual freedom, or even that individual freedom is necessarily possible under the social contract.. So agree to disagree with that first point.

They're so much worse than plain old shitbag libertarians!

This is Tony Plow, you know, from Leave It To Beaver.

Yeah, they were gay.

Even if they hated each other no one would be able to tell, they're so god damn genial and cool.

Al Jean has no need for canon!

These "edgy" South Park libertarians are smarter and cooler than everyone! Why else would they have the dankest memes? There is nothing smarter or cooler than a meme!!

When did all the ignorant and fat white middle American brodogs and their white nativist counterparts take over a party that claimed to represent Christ?

Fuck, I bought gold seeds and apocalypse coins!

I'd kill myself if I had a part in creating Glenn Beck, too.

Anything other than the spoons, which would work fine.. also if you had 10,000 of them, I think you could fashion one into a knife.

Yes, but you and your wife are knifemakers, and live in a warehouse full of knives, and also have to cut.. just to feel..

I hope a lot of "actual christians" sit out, since Hillary=Abortion to them. Trump flagrantly breaks 7 or 8 of the commandments on a daily basis, and that's just in public.

I'd say 2/3rds anyway, there is a big chunk on welfare that somehow also think everyone else on it is using it wrong..

I wonder if it's clowns who have been leaving porno in the woods for the past 65 years….

I think a lot of it is just media hype, like how there is poisoned/tainted candy stories EVERY halloween, despite any ever actually existing (other than the 2-4 people who occasionally do it to their friends and/or own children as a "prank")

Syphilitic insanity.

"I moved in on her like a bitch hunter." would have been much more accurate for him to say, as he pumped his shotgun while kicking in that women's room door.