gmporschenut also a fan of

My cousin had asimilar job. one of the funny things and a sign of the times were concert tickets. Remember how people would camp out? pepperidge farm remembers

Theres an Enterprise lot near me, they used to have a bunch of vans in the back, now they’re right out in front and seem to be shuffled around. I’ve seen them delivering for amazon and fedex, I wonder if theyre printing money off of those.

Cheated on wife #1, with wife #2, who he then cheated on. Before trying again and cheating again.

scalpers yes, but is sounds like the miners are going to have to look elsewhere

An issue is what people want out of the tractors. In the top level stuff, equipment is being controled and routed by gps. Gives feedback to optimize setting for better fuel or time efficiency, almost driving themselves. At ahat level I believe JD has a huge amount of the market share. All these crazy systems must talk

stubhub may be shitting themselves

IF you ever have a hose spicot freeze, it doesn’t take that long for a giant ice block to form.

An ex from Texas used to say “Texans are great, the newcomers....”. I get the same impression from folks I know that moved to NH thinking it to be some libertarian paradise. 

The main reason the medallion came into effect was in the 1920s and into the 30s anyone with a model T started trying be a jitney driver, lowering the labor rate to a point that the drivers were driving themselves into bankruptcy charging fares that couldn’t cover the costs of rides. .

The problme is the whole reason the medallion came into effect was in the 1920s and into the 30s anyone with a model T started trying be a jitney driver, lowering the labor rate to a point that the drivers were slowly descending into bankruptcy.

Now playing

my niece and nephew were over so I put on the disney channel. meaning is a bit questionable. 

god no that is a terrible idea. 

I was working on a project for a company that run by a former SV software manager. A VC bought some tech from a professor. We ahve abig kickoff meeting all the different groups clearly showing the first phase will be 6+ months and he goes “it’d be really great if we can launch in 9 months”

They’ve been doing that for over a decade. I think the term is right-sizing. I beleive @5 years ago they were able to start offering bonuses on top of the market value of the homes, due to the future savings of stopping utilities to streets, and then removing the street. 

they get paid to investigate and backward engineer cars. They aren’t working for free, that technique is valuable.

But in real terms - the USA would have a direct economic tie straight into Europe. It would become one of the biggest trading hubs of the world for commerce between USA and Europe. Probably like Hong Kong or Singapore is to Asia.” what is interesting is how the most extreme ends are turning on each other. Its also reveling how AJ realises hes now stuck when there are groups more extreme than him. Like shit my grift of threatening revolt only works when there isn’t a real threat.