gmporschenut also a fan of

I still put some of the blame on the marketers/designers. lets add 30lbs to go from 18-20 inch wheels lets add 20 lbs for the chilled cup holders all those become cumalative, even if you don’t get the options all that weight needs to be factored into the max vehicle weight, and thus roof bracing.

those were always interesting. I dont think they were screening thier ad sales demographics. similar to how youtube gives me nonstop nra videos. 

If you have a high water table the time dramatically decreases. Repeat at sea level with someone who takes 1/2 hour showers, mix with a 50 year old house that only saw weekend or summer use and you could find a big problem.

Undetirmined. Though it will be interesting if this group can find any more background. 

I think that was because of taking areas with the highest per capita infection rates. 

I read somewhere part of the cause of the new oddly placed triangle is to hide additional bracing for roof crash tests, which are based on vehicle weight. With autos and most certainly EVs gaining weight the bracing is getting harder to hide.  

theyve been complaining since the withdrawl deal was signed. “they’re being hard negotiators!” we yeah dumbass, you’re out. 

what is funny is the squabbling between them, the info war crowd and other groups throwing each under bus of who is deep state or antifa in disquise. 

The tax should be raised .05 a year till it gets to a point that the system doesn’t have to be bailed out. 

@ 7 years ago, company had a machine go down running win 95. Mass email went out asking everyone in the company if they could search their homes for an install disc.

And guess who commuted his sentence?

The issue is the entire parade route and surrounding blocks need to be secure. Added to the issue, from what was said a week ago is most of the national guard aren’t allowed to carry firearms.

Thinking those little gas powered decorative ones. Useless for their primary function of providing heat, but they look pretty. 

th volt shares the same platform as the cruze , so changes are a bit limited for a low margin car

I’ve been surprised Q, hasn’t come for jordan. “Theres a secret pedophile ring” “yeah and heres someone who knew”

IIRC from a bbc segment, the single dose of the three vaccines are @70%+/-5%. After you get past the super vulnerable who should have 2 doses for the 90+% effectiveness. the best thing for the population is to have the most number of people innoculated even if only 75% than to have smaller percent of the population inn

The dealers didn’t want it. 

I think you’re missing the scond half. “I don’t want tesla to fail, but elon to eat a slice of humble pie”

My bet is they thought they could get officials to give out information. How many shady calls have been made before last weekend that weren’t recorded? 

Safe travel again.