gmporschenut also a fan of

it seems like the shitty habits people started on empty roads isn’t going away, but somehow feeding itself

Is  service position what its called when the mechanic asks for payment?

the brakes were really great, though handling may be an issue.

what is the second gif from?

jalopnik commentariet: “Buy new is for suckers”

The only tokin the one above is in Turkey, which with vest, helmet, and cranes is probably safer to work. still messy dangerous work.

#2 the guy is wearing a safety vest ane helmet. So maybe better than nothing like the hellhole in Bangladesh

There was an interesting bit by david frum. trumps success was getting a small super loyal base. A small base is only problem if the opposition, in the primary and then full campaign is united or organized. Hes never tried to grow that. Its just a question of if that base is still around. I think part of this

What really throws a wrench in the whole thing is the high lease rates for luxury cars. Depending on the class I think its somewhere between 50-60%.

conspiracy hat time: I wonder if its to call their bluff. Let him show up, actually test and fail and the embarassment of him not being allowed in.

Baseball should have some sort of timer like chess. if the pitcher needs to rest and think, swap him out. batter, you’ve warmed up, you dont need 5 more practice swings

round the clock of missing white girl or some celebrity gossip/scandal, with fox screaming at the clouds. You know the same from 90's to 2015ish.

call your local health board

The major problem is the recomended groups on facebook, or autoplay on youtube. Everything is set to increase time on site and one of the best was increasing connections.. however there was no care given to what connections those were. Other people who want to bake cookies sure, other people who want genocide sure.

he needs glasses, but like my uncle i’d bet $100 he doesn’t cause he thinks it makes him look weak.

5min after the stocks start dipping

In 2017, the labor costs (truck drivers, taxi drivers, delivery drivers) in just the USA was 164 billion. Whoever comes out with best system first stands to make a fortune, if they can slice off .1%of that market. 

“It feels like a “C.” Bulk it up and add a few multicolored graphs”

Yes, I think it has been estimated that the first cases probably from china showed up in Jan before shit hit the fan and lockdowns started. But if the strain that had traveled from china to europe to the us was more contagious it could make up for lost time to spread to be the dominate strain in the us.