
The funniest part of that is I wouldn't doubt that 75-80% of those vehicles come equipped with automatic headlights, as long as you know how to set them that way.  

Nigel you are completely full of shit. Yes there are cleaner but cleaner means more expensive for the noobie. Do you make extracts, do you make edibles? I doubt it. Processing comes with a price increase. A bowl when lit for a breif period does not get hot enough for what you describe to happen. Sounds like your a

She probably realized he's just a bum ass mooch that was leaching off her.  He ain't no rapper.

Jeeps are junk dude.  This Benz is a joke.  

A 2.0 is not off-road. People who drive a Mercedes Benz are never gonna go off road so what is the point.  Probably just as much junk as the rest of their line up.

Probably because she's a carpet muncher and he's a fudge packer they gotta stick together.  Fraud is illegal and wrong, by brushing this under the rug what type of message are we sending, lying is ok.  This is all just a big joke so more people know who this empire homo is.  

Waste of time and money 

Support, no that's parents not wanting to parent.  A child at this age barely know if they like pizza let alone their orientation.  This is a wrong on every level.  Having a LGBTQ+ child is not a fashion trend Hollywood, it's not an accessory you can stop now.  Zion is at the age where parental advice is needed and

I hope an example is made of these people that proves just because you have money you can't buy everything.  No one gets a get out jail free card or a free pass.  Not only are you making yourself look like a total piece of shit, you are ruining your children's lives too.  Aunt Becky you should have cut it out.

A mustang is not an off road vehicle.  Never will be.  This is a joke.  This is an example of someone with too much time on their hands that likes to ruin classics.  Another stupid redneck fuck putting a light bar in a mustang.  What was the point of this, to waste time and money, just buy a truck moron.

Who cares just another publicity stunt to put fans in the stands.  

He's more then a dick hes a bag of dicks.  Acting like he's gods gift to football.  You like a cereal rapist with that blonde mustache you fuckin half whit nobody.  

Gigantic waste of time and money.  It's a piece of shit Chevy.

This is fuckin trash.  The dude can't even rap and the song is worse then horrible.  He is as far as it gets from being a lil nas, disgrace to the name.  This is an insult to the hip hop and country community, when will these talentless publicity stunts end.

No one is gonna spend 30 grand on a wagon.  Nice badges poser.

Erik you need to do better research the first escape came out in 1999.  

Tough shit. If you can’t afford it don’t buy it’s pretty simple. Suv’s and luxury sedans aren’t cheap either but do you here whiney little bitches complaining about those price tags, I'll wait.  Things are more expensive then when you first bought a truck that's life and inflation.  If you can't afford a truck, get a

Attack was fake Smollett admitted to it a week in, lest not forget about that.  Did I'd ever occur that the brothers were paid more to keep their mouth shut.  What do the police really stand to gain from locking up Smollett, other then a fraud goes to jail, nothing.  The police did their job showing celebrities aren't

Junk it’s ugly and cheaply made. Ever since they parted ways with ford their quality has plummeted.  

So it's just a wider piece of shit, but still a complete piece of shit non the less.