
Arken, I think we all got it. And some appreciated enough to extend your joke.

"Hey, it was like that when it crashed! Sorry dude!"

There are so many things wrong with your collection of statements and half-truths that I don't know where to begin.

"...let's be honest, barely anyone bothers to update their smartphone..."

If you think that's the best solution than why even bother to read this article?

Not the variety they offer in Nigeria!

Not to be picky, but would you explain what you mean by this point: "ISO can be kept low, since thanks to the snow, exposure isn't normally an issue."

Yeah, I wasn't impressed by Lifelock at all for monitoring your info against suspicious things happening.

Here's a dime. Call someone who cares.

What delicious irony! I installed Privacy Badger at your recommendation and when I refresh this page, it says that there are 8 privacy trackers on the page!

Right after I visit the loo!

I used to take one of my goldens camping with the Scouts, including winter. She had enough fur that I'd just spread my giant dry-bag (which I stuff with the big winter gear and drag behind me on a sled) and bring a summer sleeping bag for her. She did great on single overnights but the last time I took her, I wished

How does it do for winter camping? Does it provide insulation underneath?

To accomplish a Bluetooth proximity unlock within Windows, you’ll need the BTProximity program. Download it and follow these instructions to set it up:

I've owned 2 Roombas (200 and 700 Series) and they both sucked, but not in a good way.

You say "detecting", I hear "spying".

Thanks for the time-suck. It took me 5 minutes to realize the website that "makes" this product is actually a spoof. I would have believed someone would have come up with such a product, but it was still mind-boggling they would actually try to sell it!

Another article I saw about this product suggested it included a "No Monsters Under the Bed" feature, which I don't see here. How cool is that for helping your little one rest better?

Article said it shipped with an HDMI cable, though probably not long enough to be usable!

If you believe Obama has doing a lousy job (have you read the latest employment and stock market results?), then you should move to Mexico! Please.