
Waze rocks for traffic reporting on your route, though it can get kinda noisy in the big city where there are cops, construction, cars pulled over on the side of the road everywhere! It's always a little sadly disturbing to see indicators for dead animals on your route too. But it does a really good job getting you

Except for the parts of the Miller's Tale quoted by Amy in The Big Bang Theory! ;-)

Oh the Windows phones and tablets are so easy that no instructions are needed!


I don't know about others, but I'm getting really sick of all the animated GIFs at the top of so many articles, which show up in my Feedly reader stream. Good god man, have you no sense of proportion?

I've done this before too, using 2 synthetic mummy bags originally rated to 15 degrees, but after 15 years of use are probably good to 40. It was hot at about 25 degrees with the two bags.

Care to share the brand and model for what sounds like a good 3-season bag?



The year we lived in a trailer park was when I saw my first aluminum Christmas tree at a neighbor's "manufactured home." Ugh.

Rotating likes like this were instead used to project light onto the chrome-colored tree.

Yeah, if I wanted to laugh three times in two hours, I'd talk to my mother-in-law.

Why would I waste my money streaming this stupid movie? I don't understand why anyone else would either.

I get the joke, but my Comcast service has been stellar since I got it, so it's hard for me to relate. Now, getting their sales people to honor the rebate promises they made? Now that's impossible!

Yeah, I'm not too worries about you loosening bolts on the plane with that puppy!

"Good luck explaining that one..."

Also, check out the behind the scenes making-of video

Your cargo pants pockets must be bigger than mine because mine would never fit a contractor bag.

Bishop, that's perfect, except for the fact that you perspire almost constantly, so the trash bag would leave you soaked, so you'd get chilled when you stop moving.

Gee, in Boy Scouts they taught us to put the rain gear on top so we could get to it faster. That seems a lot simpler than what you're describing, no?