
One of the things being pressed by the conservative government in Ontario is to... let bars start selling alcohol at 9am, and decriminalize drinking in public parks.

Same channel has someone who spent a *week* in VR/AR, same production value. It’s awesome.

Bonus that the prerelease for the next set is this weekend, and it’s shaping up to be REALLY weird. In a good way.

Stay outta the greys. The intersection between the vocal MTG community and bigots is super unfortunate.

Heeeeell yes. Day one buy for us, musou is a guilty pleasure of ours.

I sometimes forget about that. This was Dragon Age: Origins, a decade ago. This era ofDLC was weeeeird.

We definitely missed out on seeing more of Isa and Lea’s friendship and trying to rescue... I guess the theory is that it’s Ava in there? Would have made the fighting between them a little more interesting.

I was worried I was going to have to pull out the best political spectrum image of our time, but luckily the magic word didn’t come out. 

Update: The update is good. REAL good. It’s challenging and has optional abilities that change the mechanics in skill-based ways.

I am so ready. As much as I enjoyed KH3, it definitely was on the easier side compared to Proud from other games. If Critical is as difficult as they’re saying it is, we might get close to KH2FM levels of satisfaction.

I’ll give ‘em five bucks to take my twice-a-week grease runs down the street to do with the buckets what they will. I’ve had one too many accidents with the stuff to want to keep dealing with it


Reminiscent of Volvo sending teams out to accidents involvoing their cars. Real world data can be important

Bran could go out Breaking Bad style. Ding ding ding ding ding

The idea that “Not all mothers” being good people hasn’t crossed your mind?

“All” the comments?

Does receiving all of this evidence, anecdotal as it is, not give you some kind of reckoning?

I only recently (last six months) heard about Frou Frou, and Let Go got me good. This is amazing.

Family friends of ours is raising a beautiful and intelligent daughter.

Or, maybe, just kinda sometimes perhaps, that a blog post can be about a multi-hour video series.

Weird. I came here as a fan of Tim Rogers to give the blog a click in *addition* to the video, and a comment of mine.