
Hahaha excuse-fucking-you. Implying that anyone should give these CHUDs the time of day.

Aioli! Aioli! It’s all aioli! AAAAAAAAAAAAA

That interview got me. Like, dude. You’re not in character. That kind of outburst from someone that important should be career ending.

As a non-wrestling fan, I get it. I recently watched a couple of very good wrestling videos and literally cried at the stories of the Golden Lovers and The Undertaker. Wrestling is oftentimes *too* real, despite being a performance.

They’ve bumped my 5.9 PBR tall cans by a bunch. Wonder if this 6.5 stuff will come to Ontario

Same here. Nothing in my history suggests I want a video about “How Half-Life Owns the SJWs” with a pepe face pasted over gordon freeman, yet here we are.

Right? I said it about Metro as well. Timed exclusive is one thing, but *six months or more* is kinda past the point of being competitive

Strike that, reverse it. If you’re taller you need a taller seat

I am here for Adam Driver being deadpan in his delivery of killing a zombie while hanging out of a slowly moving car.

That’s an odd thing to-.

I think the Destiny 2 branded fidget spinner I have here is the definition of pop culture.

Always the same folks. The “pro” players are just mascots. It seemed really gross to me when I’d watch the streams and it never changed. Just the same handful of guys with the same three decks.

Being able to plug the SNES classic into the TV (or, hell, the USB 1.0 on the ancient cable box at the bar) for power is amazing. That the PS Classic doesn’t do this stock is baffling to me.

Currently (and proudly) washing dishes for a high class belgian taphouse. I mean, I do a lot more than that, but it’s my primary job.

This! This game and Spaceplan took the clicker formula and put it into a narrative game. Check out both games for sure.

Being in Ontario and that Mr. Sub exists, I have never needed to eat at subway. And thank goodness for that, for some reason they give me mighty bad gut rot. It’s something about the bread that just sits really heavy

My favourite video game. Seriously. I like it more than Kingdom Hearts.

the CONC


Well well. Someone’s finally doing teenage me a favour and bringing out a new Psi Ops