Hank Scorpio

The number of round trips a typical person takes which are more than 100 miles (Leaf) but less than 200 (Bolt) is pretty limited: less than 2% of commuters go more than 50 miles each way, and cars in the US get about 50 miles put on them a day on average.

L3 fast charging requires a 480V 3-phase connection and has to be able to deliver 240kW. That’s 500A. A dealer might have that if they have a body shop on site with a couple arc welders, but even then we’re talking about doubling the electric capacity just to add one charger.

Know what’s better than cotton?

Why do you keep your underwear in a ziplock?


Take your star and go.

Bunta would be disappointed by that much extra motion.

Depends what she’s been hybridized with...

You really think it’s gonna be a V6 and not a turbo-4? Seems to be the way things are going.

Sedans are dying, but are hatches (not “small crossovers”) doing any better? Small cars aren’t doing well overall, but this segment seems to be doing ok.

I was shopping for a WRX/STI hatch last year. My mechanic mentioned that another guy who goes to him had recently bought an unsold 2014, so I checked with the dealer. They told me they weren’t hopeful about it, and that it wouldn’t save me any money over a new one anyway. I told them (truthfully) that I’d be buying

You can probably get that $7k back if you sell in Colorado or Washington State. Maybe Oregon too. That’s a fair bit for a 10 year old economy car with 130k miles.

The Forester XT does just fine. That’s the real problem: this would be a solid competitor for it.

It is more than merely unethical. Without a transcript of the meeting, we don’t know if it’s legally an attempt, a conspiracy, or solicitation, but meeting someone who offers to perform illegal services after expressing the intention to accept those services is already breaking the law. The meeting following the

I’m kinda surprised you still have a TV with s-video. For whenever it’s gone: there is apparently a way to convert the picture to HDMI.

When I was about 14 (mid-90s) we were visiting an old family friend and I found her 2600 in a closet. The only reason this old(er) lady had given up on playing it was because she no longer knew how to connect it to the TV. Took me an afternoon, but I got it working. I remember being very proud of myself, then wasting

Thinking about doing something and attempting to do it are very different things. They went to this meeting with the intention of getting opposition research. At the very least, that’s attempting to get an in-kind campaign contribution from a foreign source, which is illegal. It doesn’t matter (except maybe in degree)

Or maybe some garage parking, 20 stories up and down ramps.