
Yep, I’ve read it, but my problem is that the narrative if the local vote had been modestly different in Western PA and rural Michigan would be vastly different.

Each of those drops is ~2%. This is another example of a graph with a shitty axis. Even Mitsu, the worst by FAR, is only 10% lower than the highest rank, despite having a bar that looks like it’s 1/2 the size.

Polls are managed by old people who cant figure out how to text their grandkids, you think they can be administrators of a system that keeps the free world, free...

Drug possession >>>>>>>> War mongering, nationalism.

Shut the fuck up, hillbilly. 

its still real fucked up by how you need to go through this whole “well i love veterans and this country and everything about America but can we maybe do a little less genocide?” thing when protesting during the anthem. like, i dont love it, have complex but often negative evaluations of how “veterans” are fetishized

I can’t believe there are people that actually believe Trump is going to suffer the consequences of any of this.

Unless you’re FBI.

CARB was created to regulate CA’s emissions. Other states signed on because they wanted to follow the same standards. Has nothing to do with CA wanting to control the country.

To clarify, the racist should have died.

Shooting a white guy who defended the honor of a black man (ie a “race traitor” to them, I’m sure) is probably going to make this fuckstick a celebrity in the prison white power gangs. 

It’s not about being consistent, it’s about eliminating your enemies.

So republicans are offended by sexual assault jokes but are fine with ACTUAL SEX CRIMES.

Drunk racists with guns.”

A camera was pointed in their direction

Ah yes, here comes the “blame the victim” racist again. 

We all know had the races been reversed and it was a black man who “defended” himself by shooting a white man defending his family, that white man would be called a hero and that brother would be up under the jail and Lawyer-Sheriff Bob would be telling us all how he had no choice but to lock that brother up.

One of the “civil rights” organizations she belongs to is a French group that pushes hijab bans. So she can fuck right off with her “devotion to social justice” bullshit.