
In my own personal experience, I find anecdotal evidence to be the best evidence.

I really don’t see how Trump is doing something new.

We’re all going down in flames.

I don’t know you, but I’m so disappointed in you.

I’m a dev and I’ve gotten calls from people that “just want to talk” or “have a business proposal” It’s a little scary and a huge pain in the ass.

Well that certainly justifies being a shit stain of a human being. Glad you came by to set us all straight about that needless “basic human decency” stuff.

Nope. There is never an excuse to be a dick. Do all the mental gymnastics you want to justify it, but you’ll still be wrong, every time.
There is a big difference between voicing your displeasure in a reasonable way, or even being downright angry, and being “toxic”.

2050: Autonomous trucks instigate terrorist attacks

If people are being paid in cash then, Illegal or not, it doesn’t matter who does the job. No taxes are being paid either way.

Look everyone! I found the barely literate racist!

I’d break in, steal their gun...and then take whatever I wanted.

Guns don’t have magic “protect my owner” spells, doofus. They shoot whoever they’re pointed at.

Boeing made a jet “comparable” to the F-35, and its certainly not a Super Hornet, or even the theoretical further upgraded Super Hornet that Boeing has pitched... it was the one they competed against the F-35 with when they tried to win the contract in the first place. The X-32.

Funnily enough, gun ownership tends to increase burglary rates. Guns are among the most commonly stole items because they are “valuable loot” — easy to carry and easy to sell for a good amount of money.

Completely ignoring your simplistic elementary school view of nuclear weapons, which you apparently share with our President Elect, thieves break into houses of gun fanatics ALL THE TIME.

Hunting and outdoor sports, which will be preserved through the preservation of federally protected, publicly accessible wilderness, is an unmitigated good thing for the environment, for the millions and millions of Americans who don’t live in manhattan, and for the economy. Literally just today, Obama signed into

“Of course, while some environmentalists are in favor of this sort of land preservation as a means of protecting both the environment and endangered species, Don Jr. and Zinke use the movement as a means for ensuring space to hunt.”

I’m actually really happy he picked someone who does not support selling off Federal lands. A lot of the damage the Republicans want to do can be undone, but it would be very hard for the government to reacquire those lands once sold off.

Wish people would stop calling him “Moonbeam”.