
Yes, because Norway only drills oil so it can make gas, which is, as we know, the only use for oil. Nothing else.

The kind of people complaining about this kind of stuff were either shunned in the early internet or were forced to play along with others. Now they don’t even have to pretend to not be horrible human beings, content to stay in their squalid corner of the internet, no, they have to infect other sites with their

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what artificial intelligence is when it comes to computer science. Again, it’s not a self-aware computer. It’s adaptive programming.

Artificial intelligence in the real world doesn’t mean HAL 9000. Siri is, in fact, based on an artificial intelligence platform. It adapts to the individual user’s language choices and preferences.

So you're proposing a free energy machine? Use propellers to move submarine, use turbines to harvest extra energy from submarine traveling through water? Thermodynamics doesn't work that way.

Whereas you are obviously disgusted by scarecrows, since you attack straw men with such glee.

I think they can — and should — mention Rocket's history. It's a two sentence infodump, and it would say a lot about him.