
Right?  Whoever said gays can’t cook?  Silliness. 

I’ll do you one better. I have my mom’s body and my dad’s face. When my then-boyfriend, now-husband came to visit me at my parents’ house, we were going to church, and he didn’t have any church clothes. So he borrowed some from my dad. And looked a lot like him. Weirdly so.

If what your day is missing is a good ugly cry, here’s a piece from NPR on a camp for kids whose parents are struggling with opioid addiction. Good that it exists. Terrible that it has to. And how much these kids still love their parents in spite of everything breaks my heart in half.

HEY. I’ll have you know there is and will only ever be one true New York Times op-ed bedbug”. And that, my friends, is Bret “the Bret-Bug” Stephens.

I broke up with heels about 6 years ago.  Fantastic decision.  Never looked back.  There’s nothing sexy about hobbling around in pain. 

This is clearly too stupid to warrant a response, but I can’t help myself.

Came here to say one thing: Lori Loughlin and her husband have the same nose. Buy one get one free at the plastic surgeons?

+1 for the handle

Fair enough. In retrospect, that comment was too flip. There are absolutely white racists who treat their non-white caregivers horribly, and it’s a serious issue.  It just hit me the wrong way because, for generations and generations, white people have relied on non-white people to cook their food, clean their houses,

omg, a toy library! That’s freaking brilliant.

This is also a really good point. You don’t need to buy everything all at once! For a newborn, you really need: clothes, carseat, feeding supplies, diapers, and a safe place to sleep. That’s about it. Nice to have but not strictly necessary (at least in the first weeks) are a stroller or, perhaps even better, a

At the risk of opening myself up to dozens of comments about “OMG PUTTING YOUR KIDS IN DANGERZZZZ!!!” I tend to agree with you. There’s some stuff that’s legit, but a lot of it’s overblown.

So much this—and, good lord in heaven, kids definitely DO NOT need all the toys all the time.  I think it’s actively bad for them.

Congrats on little one! I can relate so much to the overwhelming experience of, as a first time parent, going into a place like Buy Buy Baby or Babies ‘R’ Us (RIP). It’s insanely intimidating, and it’s meant to be—you’re supposed walk out of there thinking, “Oh man — I need ALL this stuff! At retail price because my

Maybe this is sort of a tangential point, but I would love to see an article on the size and impact of the informal, non-consumer childrearing economy. From my personal experience, there is a massive informal economy of people selling, trading, and giving away their used baby and kid stuff once they’re done with it.

Ummm . . . I’m pretty sure old white racists have LOVED having non-white people tend to their needs since, more or less, forever.

In these divisive and troubling times, I think we can all agree that his full and correct name should be Bret “The Bedbug” Stephens from now on.

I’m pretty sure he meant $1000 deductibles instead of $1000 copays.  But even so, oof, that was hard to watch.  That reads as someone who has had their health policy explained to them dozens of times and has almost memorized it but not quite.

Word.  I already cry when I think about my son going to college.  He’s 7.

Oh, I absolutely do not have the stomach for that, but that makes total sense.  And it’s completely heartbreaking.