
But you would just be a copy of yourself and the real you would die. That’s creepy.

Chevy needs a new logo badly.

I guess they only have one copy of the death Star plans.

Maybe casting was based on their ability to play the part more than their looks...

I hope not. The side looks like a Mazda. The back looks like a Hyundai. And the front looks like a Saturn.

What’s the matter Sony? Your allstars aren’t super enough?

Is this really an image from an ad? I thought it was part of the parody lol.

I had no idea they could cost that much. Knowing there are people out there paying this much for an SUV makes me feel dirty. Like when I heard other kids were having sex when I was in sixth grade.

Agreed. What sucks is it looks like they don’t even know each other, since this is only the second film in their franchise. What was so great about the comic was that is was two friends at odds.

Hitler. He got replaced.

Man, Snyder used to be the king of trailers. I watched the 300 and Watchmen trailers probably 50 times each. This? One and done.

Bruce Willis card wins every time.

Screw robots and space, let’s talk about how dumb lawns are. Terrible waste of water and effort.

It's just a mech suit made to take on super man. Right out of the comic this is based on.

What about when Morpheus explains what the Matrix is?! That blew my mind. Also, the machine city sequence was pretty cool.

Not too shabby, Hasselhoff. I prefer Dolph Lundgren’s though.

Crossfit. Not everyone might agree it's a sport. However, it's fun as hell, has an individual component as well as a "team" comradery, and you'll get in the best shape of your life. Plus, if there's any other sports you'd like to get into, you'll be ready for any of them.

Sweet vape, bro.

Nah. Tooth Fairies from Hellboy 2.

But you don't even need an umbrella unless you go outside.

But you don't even need an umbrella unless you go outside.