Palin wasn’t half as ridiculous as him, and remember how she was treated?
Palin wasn’t half as ridiculous as him, and remember how she was treated?
You’re probably lucky enough to be the biggest asshole you know, so you likely don’t have to worry about someone (like yourself) calling you a liar after experiencing a significantly traumatic event. How fortunate for you.
The “joke” isn’t even funny...
THIS! They had no problem eviscerating Palin but you show them Trump and all of a sudden he’s a smart guy. Nope he had money in a system that benefits the rich. He’d have to have a drooling idiot to not make money with the 14 mill he got from daddy. As it is his stupidity lost him a great deal of money he should have…
Why the fuck are they doing Weekend Update if they have no teeth to criticize people? JFC to compare Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton’s intelligence is such a fucking insult, and I’m pretty close to saying it’s just flat-out sexist. If Donald Trump were a woman people would call her a stupid bitch and dismiss her…
The more I see of Trump, the more I think he is actually the worst person in America (non-murderer category). I would not buy a bagel from that man.
Translation: I don’t give a shit about this country so I will sit on my ass and stay home instead, but I will tell everybody I can’t vote for evil so I sound like a concerned citizen.
I had all the rage this morning debating with some dumb hippie who said they’re not voting because a vote for the lesser of 2 evils is still a vote for evil. I did all the explaining you’d expect but he just came back with (I swear to god) “Nah I live in the woods I’ll be good, lol”
He might be the easiest person in the world to troll. I watched Ms. Clinton set him up over and over again. And he’d just jump right in the boat for her.
I know you’re a troll but I’m bored so....what or who, exactly, are you taking your country back from?
“Four year abusive marriage?” Sigh - I wish. Considering the fact that the next POTUS will appoint 3 (perhaps more) SCOTUS justices, IF Trump gets the White House, we will be stuck with his legacy for decades.
Sharia law would be fine if it had more Jesus.
That is literally the same excuse some ultraconservative Salafist/Wahhabist might give. Although I imagine the people who’d flip out over that are somehow okay with this.
i get that Kevin Johnson is kinda a dick, but why are the words “self-defense” or “in retaliation to” not anywhere in this piece? it wasn’t an unprovoked, random attack.
You should have seen the way the white folks in Trump’s audience were laughing and guffawing as Don King used the word “Negro” and Ni**ger” on stage. They loved seeing him up there doing his song and dance for Trump.
By keeping her in the tabloids. It’s the Great Kardashian Folly.
...two talented B-listers who successfully conned the world into thinking they’re A-listers...
And yet, she will still somehow garner an Oscar nomination for this role.
Yup. Look how gladly they protected Johnny Depp “We didn’t see bruises, she was ok when we visited!”