Wagon Guy drives a Boostang

Wrong. Its a Russian engine made by a tractor company called NAMI ( Russian abbreviation for “ Tractor Research Institution” supposedly with “ Help” from Porsche. The very few things I’ve ever seen from Russia are totally hot garbage.

And whats my daily driver? A Toyota Tacoma, which is exactly 200% better and more

This is hardly new. Maybe a garage specific designer is new? However, I don’t think.  Remember Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?

As someone who has never ever driven on public roads while over the limit I’m curious if you are planning to pay for that tech to be installed in our cars???

Coal rolling fuel setup, bad for everyone around you, and for your truck too.

Pointless lift kits that reduce the truck’s capabilities.

Super bright LED grill mounted light bars used on road.  Please stop blinding everyone.

“Wagon wheels”: what I call huge rims with rubber bands passing as tires stretched around them:

The vast majority of suspension mods. Outside of maybe a 1" drop for looks, I’d say 90% of hobby-tuner suspension modifications serve to make the car uncomfortable and more unpredictable. Occasionally they are done right, but most of the time you get a bouncy uncomfortable ride with snap oversteer, terrible understeer

Prepare for a rant: Hands down, Ford. I knew what I was getting into buying a Ford, but I figured “whats the worst that could happen, it has a factory warranty.”

A few examples of radically underposted roads come to mind:

If you do the posted 55mph speed limit in Philly on I-95 you are going to be a massive traffic hazard to everyone else doing 70-75 mph or more. Even in the far right slow lane, as I have found out personally many times when driving a stock 1964 VW bus on that

Fuck that. Minivans are cool. They’re fucking awesome. ( I have 2 Siennas). They are:

Nope. They’re great cars for most purposes.

When we had our second kid we traded in our Accord for a minivan, and the footprint in the garage was maybe a couple of inches longer at most. There’s no way they take up meaningfully more space than most of the alternatives that people look at.

It’s funny to me that you act like 287 horsepower is inadequate. 

I was once in the very similar dilemma/need. We were driving a 99 328i with our newborn. That trunk couldn’t fit anything and every time my wife went to put the baby in the back seat she hit her head on the door opening. Oh and with a rear facing car seat the passenger seat had to be moved forward to the point I was

Go load a carseat and keep a 3-7yo kid buckled in a 3rd row “Not a minivan” crossover. Holy heck. I have a easier time in a 2+2 with two car seats because I can reach the seats from the front. You can’t do that in you HOA assault “not a minivan” vehicle. You are going to have to crawl back there to buckle/unbuckle and

Agreed. Buying an SUV instead of a minivan when you have 2+ young kids is just plain stupid.
Do you know what is cool AF? Buying a car that perfectly fits your needs.
Do you know what else is extra cool AF? Owning a vehicle that can easily fit a sheet of 4x8 drywall or plywood inside it with no need for roof racks or

No matter what car you put kids in, it’ll end up a Kid Car, with all the accoutrement that entails. It’ll be filthy, it’ll smell weird, and you may not much enjoy your time spent behind its steering wheel.”

This car is a diamond in the rough.

I thought it was a dumb feature when I first tried on the then new KL Cherokee back in 2012, and I think its dumb now.  Good riddance to needless tech adding cost.