Wagon Guy drives a Boostang

My quick take is that more charging ststions will be needed near apartment complexes, and fewer will be needed in the ‘burbs where people will charge at home.

Lifted trucks should be banned too, IMO. But you cannot sit there and honestly say that those arejust as unsafe” (emphasis mine). The angle is going to have you tilting back in your seat and there’s more hood that you have to look over. I don’t even know how you can see the road at all over the hood, much less

The M series after 3 are more GT cars to me, thus makes a bit more sense to be auto. However the M2 is more of an M3 than the current M3 is in my eyes. However they’re both not as good looking as the previous models.

The recently-replaced S550-generation Mustang, and the S197 that came before it, were available with a 3.7-liter Cyclone V6. That was the boring choice, the one nobody really wanted, and it was unceremoniously discontinued for 2017.

Not a bad idea - I should get a nice picture of my Spitfire blown up and framed so I can gaze upon it in the winter when it’s 1700 miles away. And my 328! for that matter - this would make a nice one:

Thanks for clicking and providing a completely pointless observation.

No it’s not.

LOL that is a seriously fake GT500. I would take an Ecoboost over that glued on accessory shit-box 4.6 GT. That’s even if its a GT. Could just be a V6.

Now playing

know history. That was a sales pitch just like greenland is not very green.

I’d be more impressed if they had made it a rear-mid engine. Still thumbs up from this old man. It’s not a valuablecollectors-edition” Civic, so who gaf.

The fun has been long gone. New rules and points systems, along with sponsor name changes to the series all contributed to the loss of the character and spirit of the sport.

I’m okay with increased safety, but once the cars became nearly identical in shape, the benefit of multiple manufacturers was also lost.

The last

I am neither extreme. I honk when needed

We all know there is a horn lexicon. I speak and understand horn fluently. You, Bradley, are not better than us, you are in fact horn illiterate and thus inferior. You are the Helen Keller of horns.

I am not surprised, when most people already view their car as an appliance and with little regard to maintenance and enjoyment in the purchase, Tesla drivers are even more IDGAF about driving and wish they could ride their cell phone to work while taking a nap. They bought those cars just shitting themselves in

Optimistic, but shoot I would settle with a straight 6 N/A with electric assist.

I have two screen-less BMWs (1 & 3 series) with all but identical control layouts. One of them for going on 13 years. I have no doubt that I could do any random task in either of them blindfolded. Good luck with that on a touchscreen.

Literally anything that you need to adjust while the vehicle is in motion.

No it’s completely because they want the subscription for updates. Otherwise they’d have an app that you can download map updates from your phone through bluetooth.

Honda was cheap and basic, but very reliable and efficient from the get-go. In the days if carbureted cars, theirs were a lot better at starting and running reliably than their established competition. They built their reputation on that, and never had to offer a huge warranty to convince people of their reliability.

As an E39 owner, as well, you should probably mainly be concerned about window regulators and the cooling system.