
Are you saying that rape apologists really were about to be converted before Rolling Stone replanted the seed of doubt in their minds that cause people to do things like telling a 16-year old in Stubenville to kill herself and burn down a house in Mississippi because a teenager accused a football player of raping her?

What the hell are you talking about?

The FAA dicked around all morning about "should we shoot down these planes" too. There's plenty of blame to go around, from what I remember.

It's not like rape apologists were about to stop claiming most rape victims are just lying sluts before this shit hit the fan though. I mean let's be real.

At least half of my immediate family have totally unique names. The culprit is, as usual, a bastardization of a non-English name into English letters. At least if one of us hits it big, people will name their kids after my parents unusual choice in spelling.

English is supposed to have the highest incidence of words arising from other languages, like fiancee, or, um, creme brulee.

This show had so much build up from last week and basically everything all worked out to the status quo in 42 minutes. I feel like next week's preview is the harbinger of more of the same.

No, I'm not sure that they do. Like I said I only really interacted with reconstructive plastic surgeons as a patient, and it was only for something relatively boring. I had to answer a cursory questionnaire aimed at finding out if I was the type to hold a grudge and some other stuff. I really don't want to go through

I dunno, maybe it's my bias (I've only personally interacted with reconstructive plastic surgeons) but I think the real monsters are the ones who are either (1) completely unqualified for what they do or (2) continue scheduling operations for people who have obviously some kind of dysmorphia. That's certainly not all,

Yeah but the second one is false advertising.

You'd be surprised how many medical advancements are made for frivolous reasons, though. Non-reconstructive plastic surgery is still responsible for developing new surgical techniques that are used in more vital areas.

This is basically how most Ohioans live anyway.

In more ways than one!

"Uh, Marge? Me again. I got another question about my cat."
Cat yowls
"Yeah, shut up, I'm askin' her!"

Good grief, I can read. I know what they're claiming.

Lots of grad students (especially the ones with their own apartments) moonlight in the service industry. Most science graduate programs offer paid appointment spots, but it generally works out to about 18k/year after taxes. I was making more money on research assisting than teaching, which is messed up when you think

She invited the guys to a Halloween party at her apartment, she had her friend from Omaha visit her, she hosted two football parties in one episode, she's had four or five ex-boyfriends by my count (although one of them was Leonard's collaborator and lasted half and episode, but taking naked photos with someone

I lost my favorite phone because I accidentally loaded Thug Kitchen so I feel your pain.

Yeah I saw that. I have no sympathy for HBO, they're hardly the little guy here, but it would just be weird that they would need to totally falsify a report on child labor for the ratings. I'm pretty sure socially conscious stuff doesn't appeal to most fans of a sports show, for one thing. For another, child labor