
I've always suspected that Time Warner was run by hippies.

Really? Nothing confusing about why HBO would have such a hatred of a sports manufacturing company that they'd go to such lengths to besmirch their reputation?

There's nothing about this post I didn't love.

I'm so confused by this. Mitre sports is saying that HBO taught kids how to stitch soccer balls, showed them doing it on tv, and then tried to make the brand of soccer balls super famous so they could more easily defame them?

The play has a reputation for being super gay-friendly even though it was written by a straight man who was later sued by the writer of the novel, People in Trouble for lifting the aforementioned story line without changing anything. But the main plot of Rent is basically La Boheme, so I think she lost her case.

Yeah it's called go fund me.

It's worse than that. I'm afraid your baby niece's facebook page has become Perez Hilton.

Nine minutes? I'm not watching all that. Summarize it in one word.

No. Everybody takes a step down.

I don't watch this show every week but I noticed that none of the relationships seem that affectionate. Penny and Leonard have some background story where Penny feels like she's settling. I don't know if it got resolved but I notice it crop up across many seasons. Bernadette and Howard are such basic religious

BBT is in the same style as frat boy comedies; the girls are buzzkills for the flimsiest reasons and the guys are unrepentant man-children.

We do not waste in this house.

Now that's got to be a bad choice.

Hi I like your avatar

Is a leak ever a good choice?

I hope not. I didn't like the jokes. But I think it's supremely ironic that he's getting so much scrutiny over them and the idiots who are retweeting them saying much worse things about Noah in particular, black people and women in general, will largely never be held to any kind of accountability.

Donnie Yen is supposed to play the title character. Unless you're being ironic and I'm missing the joke in which case carry on.

I don't get it, some people called his brother instead of his widow or daughter? Why would his brother get to approve of how Bruce Lee's likeness gets used when he has closer living relatives?

I missed this episode so I don't know how it happened but sometimes doctors can breach confidentiality if their patients are endangering the health of someone else, and pregnancy is still one of the riskiest times in a woman's life. That's assuming the doctor told the wife and that she didn't accidentally give it away

I made peace with the concept of a teacher collecting $25 dolls and then just handing them off to each student in her class to "prove" their responsibility so I can make peace with the Berlin wall thing.