
To be fair, does anyone have a strong link to their artsy cousins?

You're someone whose entire argument is based around insulting me (and you "think stereotypes are funny") so I wouldn't put much stock into your estimation of intelligence.

You're right. That's why the best comedy is "why did the chicken cross the road" jokes and stand up comedians never write new material. And what IS the deal with grapenuts?! There's no grapes OR nuts!

If you think stereotypes, which are, by definition, stale and old cliches repeated over many decades, are as funny as fresh observations then we differ greatly on the definition of humor.

Sigh. One member of a group does not speak for all members of a group. It should be immediately obvious why to anyone who is comfortable enough with their intelligence to call other people idiots for finding stereotypes tiresome.

I guess I don't get why jokes in this vein (eg: I'm triggered by mentions of dairy) are really all that clever. I mean if manufactured outrage is a bad thing for comedy, what should I make of these weak jokes?

Anyone remember that movie where Samuel L. Jackson played a dog and then a squirrel? Also Michael J. Fox played a dog named Chance. Man, I've seen a LOT of live action "talking" animal movies.

I guess you had to be there.

It took me a long time to realize you were being ironic.

I really don't get when people say, "I'm offended at offended people." Is that like anaphylactic shock?

I think it becomes especially obvious when you examine the difference in Dawkins treatment of Christianity and Islam. For example, students who study the Bible are learning more about a historical document important in literature, composition, and art. Students studying the Qur'an are "demented parrots." Women in

Now, now. You're both right.

That was repetitive.

Yeah nobody who thinks sexism, racism, homophobia, etc. are bad things because they're not "politically correct" so you're full of shit. Nice try though.

Redux doesn't mean what I thought it meant. I mean it brought back some of the tropes of gay panic (a guy hitting on a straight guy, straight guy is uncomfortable with it) not that it was introducing the concept into the episode. I agree that the parents of this episode were really cool with it and generally treated

It would have been a lot more interesting than "gay panic redux" starring Randall Park's spittake.

This review is way too nice. It was like, "how many gay stereotypes can we fit into a single half hour of television?" And then, just when you think lesbians have been left out, Jessica's favorite bar turns out to be a lesbian bar for a tortured set up so that butch women can be filmed saying, "I never should have let

No, but I feel like you misrepresented how cool you'd be with medical oddities.

Do not underestimate the lowness of our brows in the US.

Yeah I majored in comparative gender studies.