
Starting? No.


Maybe I'm missing something because I fail to see how "keep your hands off it" is specifically a male masturbation joke.

Thank you.

should have*

Why does everyone here namecheck Dikachu?

I wondered how "feminist" got lumped into the humorless category, but then I remembered that one of the tweets in question was basically "lol white butts" and you're right - feminists wouldn't find that funny.

I like how some people think not being anti-Semitic or sexist or making fun of other people's weight is just political expediency and not about avoiding being a douche.

In the 18th century, yeah I've heard. I wasn't aware that the US-centric "right wing" and "left wing" were exported ideas and that teams had formed along those lines. I thought it was idiocy no one else bought into, but I won't make that mistake again.

Nah, Turkey has excellent food.

"Anecdote accepted. Snappy comeback not found."

The problem with "offensive humor" as I see it is that it mainly relies on tired stereotypes and cliches. What's the point of paying a comedian to say the same thing I could listen to my white uncle Jeffrey bitch about at Thanksgiving?

You're right, it's silly to try to argue with someone claiming that the true oppressed are the ones who hold bigoted viewpoints.

Putting aside that "the left" and "the right" are meaningless labels outside of the US, the ones showcased are just kind of unfunny.

The Armenian Holocaust is actually the event that led to coinage of the word "genocide." (ETA: Let-make-a-new-word-for-this-shit level of bad.)

And yet I can't pause it. Help.

You wouldn't have paid money for this.

Thank you for pointing out that my sarcasm is weak. In the future I will try to make it stronger.

The writing is also super flowery. I love Jordan and my countrymen but I find the way of doing business is stilted. (I also prefer Jordan to other Arabic-speaking countries because the accent is so similar to my own. Modern standard Arabic is used for news and writing, but dialectal Arabic has as little as 60% mutual

Thanks for informing me that you're going elsewhere. That's definitely the mark of a sane, well-adjusted person walking away from an argument.