
Thank you for the gift of your opinions. It is made all the more valuable by the knowledge that you think I think I know you rather than assuming I don't give a damn where you live. It's refreshing to see someone so sure about their importance and so ready to approve (or disapprove) of how other people choose to live

Come on, Wilco! You're making your Indiana fans drive to Illinois probably. Or worse, Cincinnati.

Judas Priest!

Did anyone catch the governor on ABC Sunday? He came off like such a dumbass. "Tolerance is a two way street .." I guess that's why religion is a protected class in Indiana and sexual orientation isn't? I'm so sick of bigots using the language of tolerance to try to push their bullshit views.

Oh, good I was worried about your life and where you lived. Thanks for updating me!

I would have mailed them a letter but those snobs at the post office said they didn't accept homemade stamps.

I did too. The AV Club put the idea into my head and I got into the idea, only to have it ripped away with "LOL NOT REALISTIC." Fuck you, AVC. *sob*

So the writer and publisher are chastened, totally deservedly, but nothing of substance changes and we all get to snark a little bit. Great.

itha bidik, 5alina n7ki bil3rabi.

Oh no! How dare I think people should live where they prefer and draw upon the incredible privilege I've had in my life to witness many cultures and decide where to live based on cultural familiarity and preference! How awful of me to want to live somewhere people speak the way I do!

Wow, you rolled your eyes? And you typed it out to let me know! Thank you for demonstrating function of your third cranial nerve.

I thought he did an ok job, but he does seem to have a simpering quality to his voice. I don't know if that's the right word, but I'm drawing a blank on a better one. Fake-friendly?

Thank you! Fuck *everyone's* the old tumors.

I had an MRI at 8am on Saturday so I treated myself to a movie ticket for Home. I really wanted to like it, and I really think representation is important, but I was underwhelmed and felt like it's one of those kids movies that children today will grow up and revisit and realize how terrible it is.

What an interesting opinion. I'll print it out and put it right on my fridge.

It grates on me after a while to be somewhere people don't talk like I do. I like traveling and have lived in different places for up to a year, but after a while you miss being around people who use the same accent you do. When I was in Germany, everyone spoke English and I speak enough German to buy groceries and

To separate two vowels or vowel sounds. eg "the law is very clear" becomes "the lawr is very clear" or the aforementioned 'champagne supernova in the sky' becomes 'supernovar in the sky'. The French do something similar, as do the English and Irish. Actually I hear a lot of Irish in the Boston accent, but most people

Your opinion is provincial and quaint and I thank you for sharing it with me.

I chose to stay here because of the accent.I grew up in several countries and I get the feeling most people don't, so it's easy to see why you think something so silly as not liking the way people communicate can seem superficial but communication is entrenched in any culture and if you like when people are more

They do the rolling r between vowels in Boston too. I can't say enough bad things about them.