
I prefer American accents and am apparently the only American who does. I grew up with British tv and classes taught in the British Empire style and I choose to live in the US as an adult because I like how people talk here. Except Boston. Fuck those guys.

I tried watching the segment on American Sniper but it was so stupid that I didn't watch the rest of the show. Maybe I watched the only terrible segment and I'd really love the rest of it, but I'm willing to risk it. I might give it another chance if I find it on tv at a relative's house, but I wouldn't seek it out

"Join me or die! Can you do any less?"

Ok but they'll make Eli a girl and also they become roommates and also instead of politics they are trying to get enough money to run a cupcake business.

"The art of saying no by saying yes" thing annoyed me. I mean Redmayne is rich and forgetful, but surely he can remember that she just said "I'll take it under consideration and get back to you in 48 hours" ten goddamn seconds ago.

You can't curse on Fox?

So its definitely not going to be Tina Fey?

But it's not like Star Trek was one event that there's a set anniversary for right? I was confused by that phrase.

And then Will Smith was all like, "that's what I'm talkin' about!"

I did not care for this episode. I think the show's floundering for innately interesting storylines and it's doing the character shuffle. Kind of like Futurama in the episode spoofing Oceans 11 (I feel like they wrote every character's name on a piece of paper and drew it out of a hat. "Ok this week … Amy spends time

I found the article and the quote that I half remembered for you because I like to check my sources. It's a bit different than I remembered, but it did open with a comparison to Judy Garland. Since this was the first introduction I had to Nina Simone, I remembered it and associate her with Judy Garland.

Jerry Falwell made that show far more interesting than it was.

Assume whatever you want.

I think that she mostly covered jazz standards is what invites the Judy Garland comparison. I'm not saying Garland didn't have a good voice, and I know her songs have been used in the LGTBQ movement, but I don't picture her as the kind of firey activist I picture Nina Simone being.

Insulting me won't change that you're a racist, either.

Insulting me won't change that you're a racist.

Oh, so it's ok to be racist as long as it's subtle. Cool! Glad to see your disgusting opinion hasn't changed in the face of actual aggressive bias.

Your negative opinion of me would hurt more if you didn't just state that people's opinions on a topic are of varying relevance based on where they come from. If you ever become not-racist and still have a negative opinion of me, send me a post card.

Why don't you read this post that says only Westerners have the right to respond to this thread?

You literally just said any opinion I had on Christianity is irrelevant to a discussion on Christianity because I'm not a Westerner. My comprehension skills aren't the issue, your bigotry is.