
Question: Why does this always have to be about “White people”? Why does some lone, evil, nutcase always have to represent “white privilege” to you all the time? Can’t one racist, nutty asshole just be a racist nutty asshole without having to make this a reversely racist demonizing of “the white man and their all

People like this expect to show up, be white, and be fine.

I’ve always enjoyed the work of both Ridley Scott and Rutger Hauer. That said, it’s become painfully clear, as recently as the 80s, that Rutger was no rocket scientist (check out his David Letterman interview from back in the day), and the rebooted Alien franchise shows that Ridley has absolutely lost his fastball.

huh—i’ve never read that quote. I get what he is saying though....but i completely disagree. I’ve always found that I like a story-verse MORE when i felt that the world had been built up a bit. It makes the whole thing feel way more real to me, and I am always a sucker to learn how/why a place is a certain way.

You know what I am totally okay with this. The World of Ice and Fire was massively enjoyable and I am sure this one will be too. The story of the Targaryens is a lot of fun.

Why are men so desperate to disappoint two women at the same time?

Well New Order came out of Joy Division, which was devastated by the loss of their previous leader, Ian Curtis.

Just making Luke a grumpy guy, living alone, doesn’t make him ‘layered’, it just makes him a Yoda stand-in. And, how exactly was he ‘badass’? He did nothing to correct his mistakes & now he’s dead.

To expand on your point: why did they go through the whole headache of obtaining the death star blue prints / assembling and deploying a strike force to shoot down that tiny ventilation shaft when they could just find a few brave souls willing jump to light speed through the thing?

Just broadcast Donald Trump’s twitter feed at it.

Here’s an idea. Point a giant communications dish at it and broadcast profanities and insults at it, then see if it reverses course to come visit us.

Where have I seen this befo— OH HOLY SHIT

Seems like typical human behavior: This now cheaper per unit? I’ll get more units.

We would have also accepted “I’m thankful for term limits.”

“I’m thankful for Robert Mueller.”

If you sink 400$ into a game like this you shouldn’t demand a refund, you should seek out help.

PS. Dwight didn’t last long...

I kinda want a hyper violent Conan show on one of the streaming services. By Crom, this would be a good thing.

This is what your Scientist Character says right before you cut to a montage of people buying a new miracle diet drug. And then you cut to the zombie hordes.