
Yeah, fair points!

I love Oscar Isaac and think he’d be an awesome choice to play Moon Knight… if it was 5 - 10 years ago! What’s with all these actors in the early to mid 40s playing characters who are supposed to be in their late 20s/early 30s?

Aw, shucks! The half hour I put into composing that really paid off!!

And Finn’s actor, I forget his name right now

100% agree. What’s the point of getting the band back together if you’re not actually gonna put them together?!

Oh wow, that was me! I wrote that!! Can’t tell you how much it means to me that my comment resonated with someone else :-)  MTFBWY

There are plenty versions of the story that could have had Luke be a recluse without trashing his previously established character.

I mean, only if you hate fun.

No lies detected. This is bang on, IMHO. 

This is the best take. 

Only because creatively moribund stalwarts of that era like Geoff frickin’ Johns keep making it that way. In many ways, the DCU was further away from the Silver Age in the mid-to-late ‘90s than it is today. 

^This is the best take.

Is it Stüssy? I don;t think it is, pretty sure it’s just the “cool S”.

I had a really fun time reading it (twice), not much more to it to understand than that. Wasn’t that impressed by the movie, though.

Take your damn star.

Bit of a shame about Shadow Complex Remastered, that’s a great game.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Geoff Johns. Until DC breaks their chronic GJ habit then nothing will improve for them on the narrative quality front.

Not me, that’s for sure! Seems like quite a joyful movie and tbh we could all do with a bit of gleeful whimsy in the annus horribilis that is 2020.

This movie looks cheesy as hell and I am 100% here for all of it.

This could only work if it introduces the ASM series timeline as a parallel dimension in the multiverse and this is just a brief cameo. Otherwise, nah.