
Back before the page was locked to prevent exactly that sort of thing, a friend of mine managed to get a caption of Hitler saluting from his car to read 'You must be this tall to ride the Hitlermobile' for an impressively long time.

But didn't you get it?! Ashton Kutcher looks a bit like Steve Jobs!

Say what you will, the man knows his acoustics

Well, the 90s had that Wallace and Gromit movie. And the 80s had Turner and Hooch, if you read between the lines.

…something about Barkinsons?

Her other option is bottles of wine and rooms full of exotic birds.

Has anyone ever told you what rape is?

It's like "how many more bits could it have?" And the answer is "none. None more bits."

And the first part would be if you replaced "blacks" with "coloureds"

"Taking a prostitute to an STD fair… There's a joke here…"

Nah, the political direction of the Cars franchise is just getting a lot more heavy handed

At this point it's less 'a different shooting' and more 'next week's shooting'

The target market is people looking to distract from the hideous top half of their bodies

The strangest thing about those posts is that, as far as I'm aware, minions are supposed to always be on the side of the biggest villain. So when they complain about Obama, that's presumably a big feather in his cap.

Yes…But they have got to do it from different angles. Again and again and again and again and again.

I don't know, it could make for a kind of interesting subversion of the sort of character development that people are beginning to expect, even in shows like Rick and Morty where each episode is essentially a stand-alone story. I dont really think it would necessarily be a particularly good idea, but I can see it as

How would they make that soapy?

They cant really take it out if they want to hold onto the whole "sexy" angle

"The lighter side of Disneyland. Wow, he doesn't care who's toes he steps on"

Personally I won't have sex with any wax figurine or stack of tied together pillows that I haven't crafted myself.