
They'll take snippets of him from other movies and cut them together a'la Homer Badman

Nobody tell him about the three stooges remake

So… nothing else has happened today?

That's a hell of a standard you hold yourself to

I've seen others, but this is about on par with Great Job Internet's usual attention span, so I'm not complaing

Ever answered one of those "You may already be a winner" spam emails?

I see no pornography! These stats are all over the place!

All I can think of when I see a romantic subplot in this kind of movie is how fucking insufferable those people are going to be whenever anyone asks them how they met later on

In rebuttal to that I'd suggest the original Jurassic Park's main competitor, Carnosaur

The first thing I thought of was the Maeby-as-film-producer plot in arrested development

By nothing more than the skillful political maneuvering of being born in that position

My favourite Wesley Snipes anecdote is that the line "Some motherfuckers are always trying to rollerskate uphill" from the first movie was originally just something that one of the writers overheard him say on a phonecall while onset. (It might have been Blade 2)

If a thousand monkey's wrote for a thousand years on a thousand typewriters, they'd eventually complete the works of EL James, then crumple up the pages and decide they could do better

And Christ knows, nobody is going to want to actually have to read the book to check

Nah, now you just know what to name your next kid

If you're counting 80s teen comedies you'd probably be better off listing the ones that didnt.

That's stage 2 of the campaign

Not only that, but each of the episodes works as an individual, if connected, story.

N-Words Ahoy!

I've heard that the idea of men's rights activism stemmed from groups looking to challenge custody laws in the event of a divorce, which was, if not an admirable goal, at least understandable. From well meaning acorns asshole oaks can grow