
The assumption that a girl wants to look at boys

"Not even the ghost of an erection"

No, Hobbes is a tiger.

They have a point, nerd.

Glass Onion as originally recorded is pretty terrible, but I used to have a recording of a cover of it by Big Linda which was pretty great. I cannot, however, find it anywhere online

Or as a straight play of the fun-loving man/uptight woman seen in every sitcom pre2000

Really hard to make sexism look original

Yeah, but you can say that last part about all his movies.

Dont worry, they're just gearing up for a shared universe.

Just eight episodes of the cast sitting around saying "I really wish we knew how to break out of prison"

Honestly, the teaser could have just been a black background with the words "There's going to be a new pixar movie. This one's about dinosaurs." and I'd still be excited.

Yes but Brad, when the lions eat people at this park the lions didnt try to eat … oh right, good point.

Even if they could, it would probably make for kind of an unfocused mess, game-wise

You should probably delete that comment before you inspire the next shared continuity movie series

Pretty sure he ended up murdering Megan instead

Nah, gay marriage

Here here. A rape scene included primarily to spur on someone else's character development is one of the things that I wouldnt be able to forgive the show

I feel like the Sand Snake scenes will be a lot more interesting to look back on once they've done anything to get me remotely invested in them.

They dont need to make Tommen a fanatic, he was too spineless to make a stand against them even when Margaery was pushing him for it. They'll be free to pretty much ignore him from here on out.

sigh… The AV Club