
I dont know, I'm pretty happy that he went from Schindler and Michael Collins to "Liam Neeson: Wolf Fighter". I mean, I wouldnt actually watch any of them, but I'm glad they exist, you know?


I'm not

One of them plays the keytar. I'm sold.

Wow. Really lucky you're a pussy then.

Very confusing and far-fetched and very very boring. It was my kind of film!

I get you. There are few things I appreciate more than a good loud film

Kind of sounds like a better one

Pretty sure Kanye does

People like getting angry. It's the internet.

Like you know anything about the Sorting Hat's portfolio

Another factoid: There is a wikipedia page detailing power rangers who have died, but not power rangers who have killed

And he doesnt even own a sword

Well, if someone has to make semen then I guess I could take that bullet

It's like, how much more chainz could he even wear? And the answer is none. None more chainz.

You guys are talking about the same person. He's biracial, his name is David and he's a human being.

An Empirics Guild man to the end, eh Spielbergo?

But what a time for the pornography industry

I'm not a wolf moral relativist. I just happen to know that the wolves themselves are moral relativists

They don't consider it rape though. Wolves see silence as consent.