
The worst thing about this is that it wasted what's actually a pretty good title.

Mammoths don't look like mammoths onscreen. You gotta use horses.

He's done some pretty good shit since then, mind you

But then how would we know what to disagree with?

Crucifixion must have been really good for your core, cos Jesus had the best abs

Hums theme to The Crying Game

Now you take this home, throw it in a pot,
add some broth, a potato. Baby, you’ve got a stew going.

You just took the opportunity for a tasteless pun and ran with it, didnt you? Not everyone crosses the line like that.

I kind of want it to end with Spurlock dressed in a bright green Pied Piper outfit prancing down the street playing a tin whistle while the rats flood out behind him.

Ironically, Hugh Bonneville is at home completely nonplussed as to why nobody else is rallying in support of his finally calling out that asshole dog.

That'll be in version 2.0

Not only that, you'll be able to chop and edit the recordings to retroactively change what was said entirely, a la Homer Badman

Sure would be nice to have the option though.

Disappointingly, I only see one "SNAP POP!". I like my screenplays to have a lot more onomatopoeia.

Dont worry, I'm sure they'll Document the whole thing

No more inter-room romance? Prude.

Wow. You are a good dad.

A cocktail of prunes, warm milk and Dulcolax

The little wiener who always has his hands in his pockets.

First they'll have to discover a panty that the discerning gentleman considers unsightly