
In a way, didn't we all have a hand in Di?

"How about one of those religions where you get to eat a human heart?"
"How about methodist?"

…I'm not sure if I should admit this, but that's about the only "X…ON Y!" pitch I've ever heard that I've desperately wanted to see.

No, the movie is about a strong woman. But, yeah, easy mistake I guess.

I guess Warner buys into the whole 'women aren't funny' thing

'Alas, Corinthius, our love has waned.'
'I understand, Xanderos. Let us summon the meteors.'

Well, that makes me feel so much better about everything

Look, italics are hard, alright? At least I tried<\i>, dammit.

Is it? Or are casting announcements just spoiling a major twist

Ooh, check out Mr "Not already on a watchlist" over here.

Well, they had to wait til he got out of prison.

Dude…are you being sarcastic?

Could be that he has an incredibly insightful, thought provoking treatise on the human condition all line up for later. There's more than one way to win "Most improved commenter" and sometimes you have to play the game a little.

I thought they were ignoring all that expanded universe stuff?

Funny how so many of your stories end with that sentence

$1000? You're getting ripped off, man. Who's your homeless guy?

Turns out some band owns the rights, so it's going to be called The Allusionist

Just like in real life, amiright?

It gets you kicked out of the children's ward though