
Wrong and shameful are completely unrelated concepts

To be fair, that does happen a lot

Something can be shameful even if everyone does it. Masturbation is like squeezing live mice to death with your bare hands just to feel powerful.

I like the ones where Calvin and Susie are playing house and it's all drawn in a super realistic style but with their dialogue.
"Honey, I brought a surprise home for you"
"I hope it's a divorce"

True story that sounds like it came from The Onion: French riot police once went on strike because the government was trying to stop them from drinking so much wine on their lunch break

I always think it sounds like the sort of flu medicine that has to specify "non drowsy" on the packet.

I use Bing for that

Cats and dogs living together! Total anarchy!

Well, I want to deserve it

I want to light a cigar with a dollar bill.

Did somebody say… party?

Yes, but nostalgia has developed a shorter and shorter fuse

Well you can't blame him for returning for what's clearly a passion project

When that day comes they will start playing their gimmicks backwards through a delayed crossfader or whatever

The youtube video for Bombs Over Baghdad has 11,687,112 views! That's more people than saw Al Jolson in his entire fucking career! And that's Al Jolson!

It really depends on where you like to masturbate most

Did you get soup in it?

I havent read Android Karenina, but the idea of slogging my way through a 1000+ page Russian novel but with the occasional joke about oiling her joints or whatever, and then to still not be able to say I'd read the actual novel is just too much for me to consider.

It kind of sounds like a collective noun. Like a murder of crows. "A quiltbag of bisexuals".

I genuinely don't care about any of the rangers casting, but I'm hoping for some unknown character actor talents to play bulk and skull